21:002024. június 14.
15:002024. június 15.

The Difference Between Hungarians And Germans

2014. május 14. 12:17

Both national groups are highly achievement-oriented. They just get there by different routes.

2014. május 14. 12:17
Richard Lewis

„I was well aware of the differences between the two cultures. Germans are very linear-active – do one thing at a time (thoroughly), are punctual, disciplined, dutiful and plan well ahead. Hungarians are multi-active – have a relaxed attitude towards time, are imaginative but rather undisciplined, plan well when they are in the mood, but are excellent improvisers when need be. The German communication style is normally straightforward, direct, often blunt; they are wont to criticise if they think something is untoward. Hungarians often feign directness, but they can say one thing one moment and the opposite the next, are adept at covering up their failings, take pride in conning people. One always has to read between the lines.

On the whole the two nationalities do not get along badly. Though belonging to different cultural categories, they have shared alliances in history, resemble each other to some extent physically; the Germans have many qualities which Hungarians would like to possess. Both national groups are highly achievement-oriented. They just get there by different routes.”

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